Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Blood of the Lamb

It was indeed a good feeling i had today in church. Never worshipped so hard, so in sync, in a long while. I was almost literally touching heaven.

Since friday, i was thinking about the topic of "justification" and why some of us feel so defeated and unworthy to do anything. I was fustrated at the apparent lack of willingness to take on new roles and guts to try new things.

And i concluded to myself, that we always feel unworthy, because we want to be in control. We want to be able to earn our right to lead, our right to live, our right to be respected, our rights to be... And we only think that certain people are worthy to do certain things because they seem to know more, pray more...etc

And in the process, we have forgotten about the cross, forgotten about the blood he shed, that we are cleansed because of his blood. We are covered in righteousness. There should be no feelings of guilt. Rather there should be confidence; not in ourselves and out abilities but in God and what he has done for us on the cross. Only hen can we break out and step out of our little hole of "i don't think im good enough" even without first trying .

And what Pastor Ted spoke on today about prayer touched on similar themes. It has been awhile since i last pondered on a theme and the exact theme was discussed in service. I guess i took it as a sign, a sign that i am flowing with God and in touch with the vision and heart of Pastor Ted.


Tomm: Monday nite is Drawing Near nite..cant wait.


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